DCFBA Adult Holiday Party


December 2, 2023    
7:00 pm - 11:45 pm
Good morning!
Attached is the flyer for this years Adult Holiday Party along with the eventbrite link to purchase tickets.
Parking for this event is via a valet ticket purchased on eventbrite as well.

If you plan on using Uber to the party SEND US AN E-MAIL , we are trying to work something out with UBER for the day of the event and would like to get a number.

​**This is the link for the Adult Holiday Party, Dec 2nd:
**Reminder the Annual Family Picnic is a couple weeks away!  Make sure to RSVP below if you plan on attending.  It helps us figure out how much food and beverages we will      get.
​**This is the link for the Picnic, Nov 11th:
**Coming soon is our Annual Toy Drive at the Kids Holiday Party on Dec 10th.  We will be posting a link in the next few days to RSVP for this event.
Please contact our office, should you have any questions,
DCFBA Office (305) 971-1203
Thank you
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